Ode to Blue Mundo

February 06, 2015

Its been nearly a couple of months now since Old Blue Mundo headed south in a couple of big boxes to its new home. Old Mundo served me well. It showed me the wonders of cargo biking. I carted kids, friends and the whole family. Groceries, kids bikes and swimming gear. I even got to go on a child free date with my husband.

As cheesy as it sounds, it changed my life, and potentially my kids lives. They know that if we're going somewhere then it's normally by bike. They ask for Mundo and take pleasure in finding their helmets (be it at 7am before everyone else is out of bed) or climbing on themselves. And for me, what fun it is. How versatile, and practical it is. It's how I get around. And is my first choice for short to medium length trips.

As much as Old Mundo taught me, the upgrade to our new orange steed has been fantastic. I still aspire to having the electrics on board again, but for now I love riding everywhere under my own steam.

And recently we have been bumping into others that also ride a Mundo. A family, with kids and gear, and no car.

People stop to talk to us, and they smile as we go by. I've lost count of how many happy faces we have seen as we have rode through the tunnel under the Wellington Airport with the kids singing or happily shouting on board. Ella loves to tell people who walk past as we are getting ready that we are on Mundo.

So if you're up for a something new this year have a chat to Daryl at Cargo Bikes NZ or Wellington Electric Bikes

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